
Fonts and Colors Used by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google and More

Fonts and Colors Used by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google and More                                                                                                                                                                                   Social login buttons, links to social media channels — in 2020 this is still a thing in web design and app design. I mean, what business isn’t on social media these days?  It’s a necessity! Knowing what the different fonts and colors used by social networks are (so that we can use them in our designs)...

Node.js vs Deno

Node Js Vs Deno   Node.JS The current LTS release of Node (v12.18.1 as of writing) supports modern JavaScript syntax and features. It also supports about 75% of the ES2020 spec. ECMAScript modules are also supported, but are currently only classed as experimental: you need to use the  .mjs  file extension, or add the property  "type": "module"  to your project’s  package.json  file. In order to run TypeScript (or any other language) on Node, the code needs to be compiled to JavaScript that the V8 engine can execute. There are several different ways to do this, with different pros and cons, so getting up and running means having to choose one of these and follow the necessary setup process. Deno I was unable to find any mention of the JavaScript spec supported by Deno, but as it also uses V8 under the hood I would assume a similar level of support as in Node. My own tests show that Deno supports ES2020 features like  Promise.allSettled()  and ...